Keep up to date with how Health New Zealand is fixing Holidays Act 2003 compliance issues for current and former staff.
Whatu Tāniko pattern Pātiki and Waharua Kōpito patternsLike many public and private organisations across New Zealand, Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora has been impacted by Holidays Act 2003 compliance issues.
If you worked for Health NZ , one of the former District Health Boards, or Health Alliance, Health Partnerships, Health Source or Northern Region Alliance at any time since 1 May 2010, you may have been paid incorrectly for your leave. We’re committed to addressing these issues, to ensure current and former Health NZ staff receive their correct leave entitlements.
For current employees, you can read more on your local intranet.
For former employees, please register with us through our secure national portal, s o we can keep you informed about any upcoming payments that may relate to you. The portal provides a single point of contact and source of information for all former employees nationwide.
We will also reach out directly to former employees using your last known contact details.
If you normally use a private VPN service on your computer, you may need to turn this off to access the portal.
If you are currently overseas and find that you are unable to register on the portal from that location, here are some options:
Payments to former employees are expected to start in 2024. We are legally obliged to pay any amounts owed, no matter how small.