Fertilizer/Soil Conditioner Registration

In New Mexico, products are registered by the individual product label. Registration fees are $5.00 per product in any size quantities. There is a $10.00 annual inspection fee per product if distributed in quantities of 5 pounds or less. This is in lieu of the quarterly inspection fees. There is no exemption for sample size containers. When filling out the application, please list the complete product name of each product being registered. Indicate in parentheses all sizes of each product being distributed next to the product name. A registration application packet consists of a complete fertilizer/soil conditioner registration application. It must also contain a complete, legible label for each product being registered and fees.

Notifying NMDA of Label Revisions (required or company changes)

Please utilize the Label Revision Notification Form to submit all fertilizer and soil conditioner label revisions. These should be sent to our office during the year. This form is not necessary during the renewal application period. Please include on the form, your NMDA Company ID, NMDA Product ID, and product name as previously registered. Also list revisions made, and product size where indicated. Please include the NMDA Product ID on the label you are submitting as well. There are many labels with similar names. This will assist us the processing your changes and will result in accurate replacement of revised labels.

Fertilizer/Soil Conditioner Inspection (Tonnage) Fees

For products distributed in quantities greater than 5 pounds, there is a quarterly tonnage fee. The fee is $0.35 per ton that is reported and paid quarterly. Products (including “samples”) distributed in 5 pound (or less) packages and packages greater than 5 pounds will incur penalties. In this case, both the $10.00 inspection fee and $0.35 per ton inspection fees are required for those products.

Report and remittance of the quarterly tonnage report are due within 30 days after the close of each calendar quarter. A report is required whether or not sales have been made. If any quarterly report is not filed, there will be a penalty. If inspection fees aren’t paid within the 30-day period after the quarter ends, there will be a penalty. Ten percent (10%) or a sum of $10.00, whichever is greater, will be due in addition to the inspection fee.

In addition to submitting the quarterly tonnage report, a monthly fertilizer report form is to be submitted to NMDA. This must be no later than the 15th of each month for the previous month. The person transacting, distributing, or selling commercial fertilizer or soil conditioner to a non-registrant shall follow these rules. They shall mail the department a report showing the county of the consignee. List the amounts in tons of each grade of commercial fertilizer and each soil conditioner product. Also provide the form in which the fertilizer or soil conditioner was distributed. This includes bags, liquid, bulk or other forms. This information shall be reported by one of the approved methods.

This includes submitting a summary report approved by the department. Do this on or before the fifteenth day of each covering shipments made during the preceding month.

Another option is sending a copy of the invoice within five business days after shipment. No information furnished to the department under this section shall be disclosed to divulge any operations.

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Main Office

1050 Stewart Street
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Phone: (575) 646-3007

Closed for lunch

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Albuquerque District Office (ADO)

PO Box 30005 MSC 3189

Las Cruces, NM 88003

Please call the NMDA Main Office
in Las Cruces at (575) 646-3007
for assistance.

Peanut Grading Station (PGS)

721 East Lime Street
Portales, NM 88130
Phone: (575) 356-8393

Closed for lunch

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Veterinary Diagnostic Services (VDS)

1101 Camino de Salud NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102
(505) 383-9299 Phone
(800) 432-9110 In State Only
(505) 383-9294 Fax
(505) 220-4489 After Hours

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