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Erickson, Warren J., & Hall, Owen P. Jr. (1986). Computer models for management science Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley .
Garson, G. David. (1987a). Computer modeling for public administration Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Public Administration, Boston.
Garson, G. David. (1987b). The role of inductive expert systems generators in the social science research process Social Science Microcomputer Review, 5, 11-24.
International Business Machines Corporation. ( 1985, December). SNA format and protocol reference manual: Architecture logic for L U Type 6.2 (SC30-3269-3).
International Business Machines Corporation. ( 1987, May). Systems application architecture An overview (GC26-4341-0).
Kiel, L. Douglas. (1986, November). Information systems education in masters programs in public affairs and administration Public Administration Review, 46 [Special issue], 590-594.
Mulvey, John M., & Blount White, Sally. (1987). Computers in government: Modeling and policy design Public Productivity Review, 42, 35-43.
Nagel, Stuart S. (1987). Evaluation analysis with microcomputers Public Productivity Review, 42, 67-80.
Shangraw, R.F. Jr. (1987). Knowledge acqmsition, expert systems, and public-management decisions Social Science Microcomputer Review, 5, 163-173.
This article critically examines the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in governmental reform processes in development through a case study of the Greater Bangalore Municipal Corporation. The study explores the increasing use of .
Electronic Government applications have been the focus of hundreds of local and national government administrations all over the world during the past decade. The emphasis of most of these applications lies in their effort to improve the experience of .